Finite Element Analysis (Structural)
The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a numerical method for solving problems of engineering and Structural Analysis of buildings, bridges, warehouses, etc.
FEA is helpful for problems with complicated geometries, loadings, and material properties where analytical solutions can not be obtained.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) or Finite Element Method (FEM).
The Purpose of FEA Analytical is to have Solutions for following:
• Stress analysis for trusses, beams, and other superficial structures is carried out based on dramatic simplification
and idealization:
– mass concentrated at the center of gravity
– beam simplified as a line segment (same cross-section)
• Design is based on the calculation results of the idealized
structure & a significant safety factor (1.5-3) given by experience.
• Design geometry is a lot more complex and requires much higher accuracy. We need to understand the physical behaviors of a complex object (strength, heat transfer capability, fluid flow, etc.)
– To predict the performance and behavior of the design; to calculate the safety margin; and to identify the weakness of the design accurately; and
– To identify the optimal design with confidence
Brief History of Finite Element Analysis (FEA).
Grew out of the aerospace industry
Post-WW II jets, missiles, space flight
Need for lightweight structures
Required accurate stress analysis
Paralleled growth of computers
Common FEA Applications
Structural/Stress Analysis
Fluid Flow
Heat Transfer
Electromagnetic Fields
Soil Mechanics
Complex Object Simple Analysis
(Material discontinuity,
Complex and arbitrary geometry) Discretization
Real World
Simplified (Idealized)
Physical Model
Mathematical Model
Discretized (mesh)
The Policy of New Condominium Safety Law
Policy changes in new condominium safety law from Senate Bill 4-D will focus on more extraordinary, significant, and recurrent inspection processes. With the help of Florida condominium engineers, the bill was written to ensure that condominium buildings are properly maintained as they age.
The bill requires condominium associations and developers to set aside funds to cover structural safety inspections of any three stories or taller buildings throughout Florida and keep enough funds for repairs when necessary. This will ensure no shortcuts are taken due to inadequate budgeting or funding. These reserves must be reassessed every ten years to cover high maintenance costs.
Senate Bill 4-D also requires mandatory statewide inspections through a new program. A condo building taller than three stories requires one assessment every decade after its certificate of occupancy reaches 30 years of age. The bill requires condominium and cooperative associations to conduct a “structural integrity reserve study” that includes waterproofing, exterior painting, the roof, load-bearing walls, floor, foundation, fireproofing and fire protection systems, plumbing, and any item with deferred maintenance or replacement cost that exceeds $10,000.
Condominiums that are located within three miles of the Florida coast require inspections known as “milestone inspections.” These inspections must begin after 25 years of building occupancy and every ten years thereafter.
All inspection reports must also be published online and shared with owners and tenants. If an inspection uncovers a need for any structural repairs or maintenance, this work must be performed within a year following the report.
How Change Will Help
Call EMA Engineers to schedule your structural inspections of your condominium buildings at (321) 355-6052 or visit us at